Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28

  • Started marking the Piles measured at the height of the Batter boards eg. 350mm. 450mm then 27mm was marked for the first placing of Piles we used the spirit level to make sure they were straight. Then made braces to keep them straight and not move out of place. To stabilise or avoid the bearers from moving we placed braces on the inside of them.

  • Started marking 450mm on the first bearer and then adding another 27mm as another mark. Then we measured and sawed timber for the braces to the length of the house nailed into the top and bottom of each sides of the bearers. Avoiding it to move out of squareness. Cut 4x3008 for the sides of the house checked that the wood had a bow or twist if yes mark an arrow or line on the side the bow is seen then placed them face to face and hammered nails into them on a 40 degree angle preventing the nail coming out on the surface of the timber. Then we cut 1x3475 for the front of the house and nailed the the ends into the 3008 timber so it forms a square.
  • Wall Framing
- Determine stud height
- Deduct thickness of the top and bottom plates. Measure is the cut stud length
- Determine Lintel depth from 3604 tables , call size
- Establish door height plus clearance (10mm) from finished floor level
Using door height mark. Measure depth of Lintel above the mark. Lintel sizes will change according to span (opening size) door height is usually also top of window height.

Overall frame height = 2467
Top and bottom plate = 2467 - 2x45 =
                                     2467 - 90 = 2377 (cut stud length)

Studs @ 600crs = 8 studs

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