Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1

  • Today i used some of my tools for the first time. We were given the task cut out a biscuit joint. I first started out by measuring 120mm drawing a line across the timber surface forming one line across the ends of each of the three timbers i was given.
  • then i got to use the Biscuit Cutter which is was the hand tool appropriate for the job. The main safety of how to use it was to never put your fingers in front of the hole the blade came out of or else your fingers would be chopped off. But the first safety rule was to check if the machine was damage or if the wire had a kink in it or any other faults and to make sure you wear safety goggles/glasses and ear muffs at all times when operating the hand tool and when starting the hand tool to let the blade or motor in the machine run at top speed for a while before using. Then to make sure that the flat bit of the biscuit cutter sat flat on top of the surface of the timber to create a straight cut. As i watched other people use it, it look difficult but then when it was my turn i found it easy and picked up fast on how to operate the biscuit cutter.

  •  Then there was a orientation at the main block where concerts and stuff are held where they were advertising there products or business. But most important we paid our respects for the people suffering in Christchurch as they were experienced massive earthquakes and after shocks and are still expecting a bigger earthquake. So we paid our respects by having a moment of silence for them.

  • Then later on i measured multiple lines 20mm apart from each other and was taught the safety rules on how to operate the Mitre Saw. The safety rules on how to operate the mitre saw is to always wear your safety goggles/glasses, ear muffs, check if machine is damaged or faulty in the wires, that the blade is not blunt, when cutting to keep the wire away from the blade at all times (put wire over shoulder leading to the back), to start the mitre saw and let the blade run for a few seconds to gain top speed and let it run at top speed for a while. I found the mitre saw difficult to use as i cut and got near the end. But then learnt to keep my eyes on the line through a gap on my left, that way i didn't cut my line on an angle as i lent over to my right to keep an eye on the line.Still i don't feel confident in using it and need more practice.

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