Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16

  • Today was a very interesting day for me. Was in the workshop finishing off the saw horse and finally nailing in the legs to the joint. But first i had to cut the joint on the leg to fit the joint on the base of the saw horse. At first i only planed the angle i cut for it to slide into the saw horse joint but forgot i had to plane the other side of the timber so that it would slide in more easily. As i planed all four legs i had always left the planer with the blade facing downwards on the table which i was told like 5 times to leave it on its side so that it wouldn't damage the blade then i found a way to stop myself from leaving the planer facing down. So i stopped myself from doing it and staredt thinking smart as i work in the workshop. Joining the legs was tricky as i nailed them in it was hard for me not to avoid putting hammer marks on the surface of the timber. I glued then nail. With the corners of the leg sticking out from the top we had to cut that off with the saw but cut 5 or 10mm away from the base of the timber or else when we saw it off we will be scratching the surface of the saw horse as we cut the corner of the leg off.

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