Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11

  • We replaced the studs with longer ones and the nogs in between them with the correct sized nogs. then we learnt how to put up scaffolding step by step and learnt that they were used for reaching the height of a roof while it was secure with decent space. On the top on the ends of the top plates of all the frames we applied a silver plate that combines the two top plates together and hammering the groves down so its resistible when it tries to widen.
  •  Then we went to go plan on how to build our roof and used the Building book to get our information from it and identify the steps we needed to take. Before we started on our roof our team had a little meeting and organised ourselves and splited up into pairs to get two jobs finished before the day because most of our team was gone and there was only for of us. So two of our team mates started on the rafts of the roof and me and other team member started on marking and chiseling 3mls off the timber and then nailing the stainless straps in them. We also marked and sawed small studs to hold up the ends sticking out of the house so it doesn't drop and cause the stud to disconnect from the top plate.


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