Monday, March 7, 2011

March 8

  • Today i sanded off my drawing board till the grain was clearly visable, smooth and ready to be polished. I also sanded the sharp edges and pencils marks. Then we went to the workshop with the machines and got 2 by 4 timber for our Saw Horse. The 2/4 timber we chose was rough and twisted or bowled. So we used the Electric Planer also known as the Buzzer and planed one of the two sides of the timber so that it would be square. While we used the planer we wore ear muffs and safety glasses. As we used the planer we kept the timber flat up against the wall and guided the timber across the blade with our fingres on top of the timber instead of handling it were our fingers were on the side closest to the blade. As i used the planer i found it to be a cautious and very dangerous machine, the blade on this machine had its blade facing up instead of downwards making the job more serious to work with and before you cut you must set the guard about 10 or 20 cm away from the timber that way the rest of the blades covered and is less likely to catch any of your loose clothing or your arm or fingers. After that you Must cover the blade then switch of the power. Then we used the Thicknesser to cut the other two sides square so that all sides were equal/evenly cut and followed the same safety rules and steps we were taught the first time we used it.

  • On our break i ate pies and drank fizzies then walked back to the building site and played some rugby. I also found it difficult to not bump off so many people no matter how they tried to hit me i just sorry for them cause they always flew to the other campus site , ha.

  • We moved to the computer rooms and were set out to do two assesment reports Numeracy and Literacy. For Numeracy i scored 16/30 and for Literacy i score 18/33. As i reviewed my scores it made me think about how much i needed to learn making that my strive to score a higher score the next time i do this assignment again.

Assessment Questions
No. Question Intent Text Type Progression Result
1 Movie guide (Q.1) Locate and link details across a text making a small inference. Film guide Comprehension Correct
2 Movie guide (Q.2) Link details across a text to locate information. Film guide Comprehension Correct
3 Movie guide (Q.3) Locate synonymous information in a text. Film guide Comprehension Correct
4 Movie guide (Q.4) Compare a set of short descriptions to locate synonymous information. Film guide Comprehension Correct
5 Movie guide (Q.5) Identify a description that matches given requirements. Film guide Reading critically Correct
6 Movie reviews (Q.1) Identify which of a set of statements is consistent with an opinion expressed in a review. Reviews Comprehension Correct
7 Movie reviews (Q.2) Identify which of a set of statements is consistent with an opinion expressed in a review. Reviews Comprehension Incorrect
8 Movie reviews (Q.3) Recognise the use of sarcasm. Reviews Reading critically Incorrect
9 Movie reviews (Q.4) Identify the meaning of a metaphor. Reviews Vocabulary Correct
10 Movie reviews (Q.5) Compare two reviews to identify a common opinion. Reviews Comprehension Correct
11 Notification of particularly hazardous work (Q.1) Identify a hierarchy of concepts in a text. Government regulations Reading critically Incorrect
12 Notification of particularly hazardous work (Q.2) Locate synonymous information in a text. Government regulations Comprehension Correct
13 Notification of particularly hazardous work (Q.3) Identify which of several situations is supported in a text. Government regulations Comprehension Incorrect
14 Notification of particularly hazardous work (Q.4) Identify which of several situations is not supported in a text. Government regulations Comprehension Correct
15 Notification of particularly hazardous work (Q.5) Infer danger Government regulations Reading critically Incorrect
16 Investing in people and skills (Q.1) Identify the meaning of a familiar word in an unfamiliar context. Report extract Vocabulary Correct
17 Investing in people and skills (Q.2) Compare four sections of a text to identify the one that most closely matches a given theme. Report extract Comprehension Correct
18 Residential construction noise (Q.1) Apply criteria given in a table to specific instances. Community notice Comprehension Incorrect
19 Residential construction noise (Q.2) Locate synonymous information at the beginning of a text. Community notice Comprehension Correct
20 Residential construction noise (Q.3) Identify a condition for a specified event in a text. Community notice Comprehension Incorrect
21 Residential construction noise (Q.4) Identify the meaning of a less common word in context. Community notice Vocabulary Incorrect
22 Hunter/trapper - job outlook (Q.1) Make links across paragraphs to locate several pieces of information. Job profile Comprehension Correct
23 Hunter/trapper - job outlook (Q.2) Identify the meaning of a less common word in context. Job profile Vocabulary Incorrect
24 Hunter/trapper - job outlook (Q.3) Interpret information from a dense section of a text to identify a development. Job profile Comprehension Incorrect
25 Hunter/trapper - job outlook (Q.4) Identify the meaning of a less common word in context. Job profile Vocabulary Incorrect
26 Contact an MP (Q.1) Locate directly stated information in a text.  Government advice Comprehension Correct
27 Contact an MP (Q.2) Identify the meaning of a specialised word in context. Government advice Vocabulary Correct
28 Contact an MP (Q.3) Locate synonymous information in a text. Government advice Comprehension Incorrect
29 Contact an MP (Q.4) Infer an implied meaning based on phrasing, context and prior knowledge. Government advice Reading critically Incorrect
30 Job security (Q.1) Identify the most likely location of a short text. Workplace notice Reading critically Correct
31 Job security (Q.2) Identify the meaning of an employment-related word in context. Workplace notice Vocabulary Correct

32 Job security (Q.3) Identify which of several situations is consistent with a short text. Workplace notice Reading critically Incorrect
33 Job security (Q.4) Identify what a sentence in a short text refers to. Workplace notice Comprehension Incorrect

Assessment Questions
No. Question Intent Progression Result
1 Sorting avocados Add two given percentages and find how much more needs to be added to get 100%. Additive strategies Incorrect
2 Necklace profit 2 To divide a 3 digit number by a double digit number Multiplicative strategies Correct
3 Boxes in store Estimate volume using repetition of a non-standard unit of volume. Measurement Correct
4 Breath testing 2 Add 6 and 7 digit whole numbers. Additive strategies Correct
5 Post holes 2 Combine metre and millimetre measurements. Measurement Incorrect
6 Areas of flag Use a shown area repetitively to measure area. Measurement Incorrect
7 Japanese Fans Arrange angles in increasing order of size. Measurement Correct
8 Sharing Biscuits Identify equal shares of a given one-digit number. Proportional reasoning strategies Correct
9 Tiling shapes Measure area using whole numbers of non-standard units. Measurement Incorrect
10 Chairs Identify a fraction of a collection with equal parts. Proportional reasoning strategies Correct
11 Multi-digit subtraction Select the best justification for reasonableness of a multi-digit subtraction problem. Additive strategies Correct
12 Tablespoon measures (Q.1) Interpret a table and use proportional reasoning to select mass of one unit. Proportional reasoning strategies Correct
13 Tablespoon measures (Q.2) Interpret a table and use proportional reasoning to calculate a larger amount. Proportional reasoning strategies Correct
14 Tablespoon measures (Q.3) Interpret a table and additional information to calculate a ratio in its simplest form. Proportional reasoning strategies Incorrect
15 Multiplying by a decimal 3 Select reason for error made in data entry for the multiplication of a 2 digit whole number by a 3 digit whole number. Multiplicative strategies Incorrect
16 Weight measurements 2 Calculate the difference between two numbers, of which one is a decimal number. Additive strategies Incorrect
17 Plastic film production 3 Select best estimation for comparing the total of two large decimal numbers with a specified target. Additive strategies Correct
18 Gambleaid 2 Select a fraction of a 5-digit multiple of ten in context. Multiplicative strategies Incorrect
19 Medicine 2 Identify or count how many objects in a 2 x 5 array. Multiplicative strategies Correct
20 Estimation and multiplication (Q.1) Select true statement to describe an estimate of a product of two 2-digit numbers. Multiplicative strategies Correct
21 Estimation and multiplication (Q.2) Select best statement to describe process used to estimate product of two 2-digit numbers. Multiplicative strategies Correct
22 Driving a car 1 Calculate average speed given distance travelled and time taken. Proportional reasoning strategies Incorrect
23 Airport luggage Select the appropriate unit of measurement for the weight of a piece of luggage. Measurement Correct
24 Concrete mix 1 (Q.1) Calculate the required quantities for a given ratio of three ingredients given the ratio and the quantity of one ingredient. Proportional reasoning strategies Correct
25 Concrete mix 1 (Q.2) Calculate and select the percentage of one ingredient in a given three part ratio. Proportional reasoning strategies Incorrect
26 Membership fee – Special offer Select a percentage of a given 3 digit number. Proportional reasoning strategies Incorrect
27 Train time 1 Work out time lapsed between a digital time and an analogue time. Measurement Incorrect
28 Replacing the scotia board Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle, with side lengths given in context. Measurement Incorrect
29 Power usage 2 (Q.1) Subtract a four digit number from a five digit number. Additive strategies Incorrect
30 Power usage 2 (Q.2) Perform a calculation requiring addition of decimals. Additive strategies Correct

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