Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22

  • We were catching up on blogs today and also answered questions seeing how much we understood as we constructed the sawhorse. After that we had a go on eMIT which was interesting and also tricky. If you want to have a go you first have to sign up..
    • Then we got back into the workshop and i got to finish off cutting my legs. I then got to use the Belt Sander. I followed the safety precautions and wore ear muffs and safety glasses i would've used a dust mask but it wasn't needed because i checked if the belt sander had a dust bag to catch the dust as i used it. But before i used it i made sure the cord was over my shoulder and not near the belt and that i had a tight and firm grip on it so that it wouldn't take of when i started to use it on the sawhorse. I let the belt sander run at full speed for a moment before i used it and i made sure the sawhorse was stable so i kept my foot behind the leg so that it wouldn't fly backwards when i applied pressure to it.Then i sanded off everything else so that it would bring out the quality of the grain and be presentable.

      •  End results of my sawhorse..

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