Monday, February 21, 2011

February 22

  • Today I finished off the Half Dovetail Halving Joint: Cut two pieces of timber and used one of the timbers and measured 90cm length wise from one end of the timber. Marked the waste wood side with an X. Cut half of the timber length wise down to the line that was marked at 90cm with a saw. Measured 10cm in from the outside of wood above the 90cm line and marked it with a pencil. used a sliding bevel to mark the angle from the top corner of the joint to the mark measured at 10cm in. I then placed the timber on an angle facing the opposite way from me in a clamp. Then cut down the line on one side till it reached the line marked at 90cm. Then did the same to the other side. After that was done the joint would've had an arrow shape in the inside. I then placed the timber in the clamp facing upwards and sawed down the the arrow shape making it easier to cut the timber joint. Then i chiseled the rough surfaces of the joint by force with no hammering to get clean sharp corners or flat surfaces. Leaving one side of the joint normal and the other on an angle.
  • Then the other half of the joint I placed the Half Dovetail Joint over another piece of timber and traced the outlines of the joint to get an exact shadow of the Joint on the surface of that plain timber. I then marked the depth of the timber at half way and marked the waste wood side with an X. I then sawed multiple lines on the waste wood side to make it easier for me to chisel. After i chiseled the waste wood out i then used the chisel without a hammer and used my own force to get sharp corners and flat surfaces in the joint.
  • Then started a new joint which was a Dovetail Joint: Used one timber and measured 10mm on both sides of the timber (width) right above the 90cm line then connected the 10mm mark to the top corner of the timber. Put X's on the waste wood parts getting cut off. Then cut the angle i marked with a saw. Leaving both sides of the joint angled. The other half of the timber. I placed the Dovetail Joint over the top of the other halved timber and traced around the outside of the joint onto the surface of the timber. Leaving a shadow of the joint I finished cutting on the surface of the timber. Then I mark it with an X in that joint and cut multiple lines on the waste wood side making it easier for me to chisel the timber off without chipping big blocks off the wood. After that's done i chiseled the edges and corners of the joint to make the Dovetail Joint fit flush.

    •  After that  we went to the computer rooms to answer Prelimenarie questions:

    1. Which Ministry or Government department is responsible to ensure that good quality homes and buildings are built in NZ?
    2. What is the purpose of the Building Act and Regulations?
    3. What is the function of the Building Act?
    4. What is the Building Code?
    5. Under which law are you covered at work? 
    • And found the answers on the website homepage of  "Department Building and Housing"

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