Monday, May 23, 2011

May 24

  • Today we measured and cut the plywood with the skillie saw and nailed it into the front next to the door, tucking the plywood behind it. we did the same to the sides and the wall B where the window was.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 23

  • Today we put up the door. first thing we did was made sure the bottom was leveled by using the aluminium straight edge and placing it on the ground and putting the spirit level on top of it to get and accurate level instead of trusting to place the spirit level itself on the ground and get a cricked result if the timber is either twisted or bowed. then we placed wedges under the door and then plambed the sides 10mm on both sides equally. then we tacked it to the wall with nails. then measured the space in between the top and then measured the bottom aswell and doubled the studs and nailed them at every 330mm. after that we used the skilly saw to saw the plywood so it could fit in between the wall and the door and succeeded and then tacked it in.

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 17

  • measured and cut out the space under the rafts for the fibre cement weatherboards and cut the double sided white strap that allows the fibre cement board to slide into the grove on both sides. then we did the same underneath the outrigger and other side.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 16

  • today we finished cutting out the dovetail joints and glued the tool box together with clamps on the bottom to get the joint tight when the glue dries up. then braced the side to the bottom after making sure the inside corners were square. Then we went back outside and fnished off nailing in the rest of the batterns and nogged the top of the outside in between each battern. After that we put up our Fibre cement weatherboards and made sure the board slid into the grove of the facial board first then nailed it into the rafts.

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 10

  • cavity batterns (green)
  • today we stapled the building wrap to the wall frames and then placed the black roofing underlay on top and overlapped it then placed the iron sheets on top of the roofing underlay and screwed them into the purlins.

May 9

  • Put up the facial boards. used a 5mm block and placed it in the groove of the facial board then nailed it into the end rafts.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 3

  • Describe the purpose of dovetail joints?
to make the joint stronger and will have less chances of separating.
  • A dovetail has two components - Name them both ?
socket and pin
  • Name all the roof from your project?
purlin, rafts, fly raft, nogs
  • What is the name of the framing member to which a fly rafter is attatched?
top plate

  • Today we stayed indoors and started making our dovetail joints with the good pieces of timber so we could construct our tool box. Then our sliding doors came on the trailer with the galvanised windows. we carried the doors into the workshop and then the windows next. then went to the computer rooms to do our blogs and revise on what we did this week. we also red the branz book to research more about what we were going to do next to the roof.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 2

  • Put nogs in between the rafts at the end of them, just above the top plate of the back wall. added a scaffold to the one already made b efore we made the bogs for the end rafts. Then we cut out the dovetail joint and used a craft knife to trim the sides and corners of the joint.

  • Facial board
  • Purlin
  • Fly raft
  • Out rigger
  • Top plate
  • Studs
  • Rafters
  • Building wrap
  • Cavity battern
  • Cladding Corner facing
  • Soffit facing